Full Name: Sabrina Noo Haven
Species: Meerkat
Age: 50
Personality: Motherly, Nice, Sweet, insecure, hard-worker, encouraging, compulsive, fussy, bossy, determined, strict
Affiliation: Yohz (son), Paulz (Adopted Son), Tim(Ex-Husband), Judy
Location: Longest Clark (Northern Suburbs of Turtlehills)
Birth location: Canada
Alignment: Good
Accent: African-Canadian
Hobbies: Watch TV whenever she gets off from work earlier and sewing sometimes
Appearance: Tall slender grayish meerkat, brown bobcut hair. White fur on her inner ears, chest, and belly. Brown finger and toe claws and dark brown eyes, She wears a pink long-sleeve shirt with brown skirt and a pair of sandals. At work, she wears a green-collared-shirt with dark-green pants and black fisherman sandals with socks.
Occupation: Train Conductor and bus driver, former barber